Lauma Medical

Maternity bandages

During pregnancy, the body goes through serious tests. This is especially true for the back, which must be able to withstand the increased stresses.

Often after pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies, women have to visit an orthopedist with complaints of back pain and discomfort.
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To prevent this from happening, we recommend the use of a bandage. It supports the spine in an anatomically correct position, relieves fatigue and tension in the back. In the late stages of pregnancy, this support will be especially noticeable and valuable.

This support is all the more important for women who continue to work even during pregnancy. If you have to stand or walk a lot, a maternity dance is essential for your health and comfort.
Maternity bandages: how to choose
Maternity belts are categorized into:
  • 1
    Prenatal, which supports a growing tummy.
  • 2
    Postpartum, which helps your abdominal tone recover.
  • 3
    Post-operative, necessary for women who have undergone a cesarean section.
There are also universal models that are equally well suited for all these cases. But it is always a choice between saving money and maximizing efficiency. If there are back problems, it is definitely worth choosing different models for the period of pregnancy and the period after it. Only in this way the bandage will provide 100% possible effectiveness.

The bandage is also divided by the type of use. It can be a classic belt or compression maternity briefs with a high supportive waistband. Among these models, the choice depends only on personal preferences.
Most often women make a choice in favor of a bandage-belt. It is attached to the underwear, which means that it does not need daily washing and does not wear out as much. It has a comfortable fastening and perfectly fulfills its function, supporting the organs in anatomically correct position
Most often women make a choice in favor of a bandage-belt. It is attached to the underwear, which means that it does not need daily washing and does not wear out as much. It has a comfortable fastening and perfectly fulfills its function, supporting the organs in anatomically correct position
Who is recommended to wear a pregnancy bandage?
If there are health indications for the use of a bandage, your obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you about them.

Important factors for the purchase of a bandage will be:

  • Fetal malposition.
  • Back pain.
  • Second and subsequent pregnancies.
  • Twins.
  • The presence of hernias, scoliosis and other spinal problems.
  • Work that involves the need to walk/stand for long periods of time.
  • Tendency to stretch marks or striae that appeared after a previous pregnancy.
  • A number of obstetric pathologies, such as the presence of scars on the uterus, difficulties in carrying, threat of termination of pregnancy.

But you can buy a bandage yourself, if you know about the presence of health problems and if you want to avoid them in the future.
Contraindications to wearing a bandage
It's rare that a great way to support your body during pregnancy such as a bandage is not suitable. In any case, you will be told about them by the doctor supervising the pregnancy. Among them we can highlight complex diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the possibility and appropriateness of using a bandage in such a case is determined by the attending physician), as well as severe forms of renal or cardiac edema.
How long can a bandage be worn?
It is important to realize that the bandage in any case restricts movements and strongly affects the body. So it is necessary to take small breaks in its use. The best solution is to wear it for 3-4 hours and then take an hour break. During this time, you can give yourself a rest and, if possible, do not do anything that involves serious physical exertion.
Plan to buy a bandage starting around the 3rd month of pregnancy or when your clothes become too tight or when you feel you need support for your back and abdomen. You should consult your doctor for more detailed recommendations
Plan to buy a bandage starting around the 3rd month of pregnancy or when your clothes become too tight or when you feel you need support for your back and abdomen. You should consult your doctor for more detailed recommendations
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