Lauma Medical

Postpartum bandage

Postpartum belts are an indispensable support in the restoration of physical fitness and health.

Those women who used special belts during pregnancy appreciate their high effectiveness and invaluable help, and therefore do not hesitate to buy postpartum belts.
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How does it work? A special belt supports muscles and tissues that have undergone major changes while carrying the baby. It does not put pressure on the tissues, but provides the support that is so necessary and so insufficient during this period. All this - thanks to anatomically correct design, developed by doctors.

Such a simple thing as a belt gives a huge list of positive effects:
  • 1
    Normalizes the pressure in the abdominal area;
  • 2
    Accelerates the tissue healing process;
  • 3
    Stimulates the internal organs to take anatomically correct position in the body;
  • 4
    Restores muscle tone and elasticity;
  • 5
    Prevents postpartum spinal problems, including herniated discs;
  • 6
    Helps reduce or eliminate back pain.
Accordingly, the belt allows the mother to recover faster. It also stimulates a quick return to the usual physical shape, helps to quickly remove sagging tummy and therefore has an excellent effect on health.
How to choose a postpartum bandage?
In terms of size, it is better to choose a belt after childbirth. In the early stages it does not make sense because of weight gain, and in the late period because of the unpredictability of what your body will be like.

If after the birth of a child a woman has seriously gained weight and feels discomfort or back pain because of this, the best solution is to buy a special corset. It supports the spine in the correct position thanks to the built-in stiffening ribs. As a result, the load on the spine is reduced, muscle tension is reduced, and back pain is relieved. Bonus corset helps to form the correct posture, which will remain with you forever as a useful habit.

A separate type of bandage is used for women after cesarean section - postoperative. It allows you to avoid complications after surgery, accelerates tissue healing, supports muscles and internal organs for proper recovery. It also helps to fix and keep the sutures in one position, which significantly reduces the recovery period and makes it much more comfortable for the patient
From the classic universal models you can choose to your taste a belt with a convenient adhesive closure or panties with an exaggerated waist and increased support of the abdominal tissues
From the classic universal models you can choose to your taste a belt with a convenient adhesive closure or panties with an exaggerated waist and increased support of the abdominal tissues
How to use the bandage?
The bandage can be worn as soon as the woman can stand up and move around comfortably.

The bandage is worn in the supine position to ensure the normal position of the organs and tissues. The hips are lifted slightly so that it takes the correct position on the body. Do not forget that the bandage should not be tightened too tight: this not only does not accelerate recovery, but can have a detrimental effect on the body due to impaired blood circulation.

Do not use the belt all day, the body will need a break. This will give a stimulus for recovery. It is enough 2-3 hours a day with increased activity, and do not forget about the need for rest from everyday activities. About 5-6 weeks will be enough to support the body and pass the most difficult postpartum stage. After that, you can give up the bandage if the recovery is going well.
Do not use a bandage if you have kidney problems or a tendency to swelling. If you have any chronic conditions such as GI disease, diabetes or cardiovascular problems, be sure to consult your doctor before using corsets and bandages. Don't forget to remove the brace when eating, this will ensure your comfort and better digestion
Do not use a bandage if you have kidney problems or a tendency to swelling. If you have any chronic conditions such as GI disease, diabetes or cardiovascular problems, be sure to consult your doctor before using corsets and bandages. Don't forget to remove the brace when eating, this will ensure your comfort and better digestion
Address: st. Ziemelu 19, Liepaja, LV-3405, Latvia
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