Lauma Medical

Purpose of compression stockings and bandages in medicine

The main modern types of compression are classic bandages and special knitwear. Both options perfectly fulfill their mission, and often their choice depends only on personal comfort in application.

However, in the framework of complex therapy, after surgery and in complex treatment process, the right choice is made exclusively by the attending physician.
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Application of compression in medical facilities
Compression can be safely used in everyday life for both treatment and prevention. It works great against swelling in legs, fatigue, and the first manifestations of varicose veins. Additionally, it is widely used in sports to protect joints from overload, and to recover after minor injuries or sprains.

But more often compression is used as a part of therapy, before and after surgeries, and especially widely applies as an essential element of treatment of varicose veins, including by surgery. In medical facilities bandages and special knitwear are both used. Bandages are cheaper and more universal, and knitwear is much easier to apply.
Thus, compression of all types is suitable for pronounced swelling, late stages of varicose veins, and it perfectly fits for any complexion
Thus, compression of all types is suitable for pronounced swelling, late stages of varicose veins, and it perfectly fits for any complexion
Choosing bandages before surgery and hospitalization
Before choosing bandages, it is important to know that they have such an important characteristic as the degree of elongation. Depending on it, they are divided into three types:

  • Short elongation. Such bandages stretch by not more than 100 % of their length at rest.
  • Medium, they elongate withing 100-150 % of the original length.
  • Bandages of high elongation, which are capable of lengthening by 150 % and more.

The efficiency of bandages primarily depends on their “working pressure”. This is the pressure a bandage puts on muscles in tone, more simply, when a person is moving. Approximately there is also a “rest pressure”, when muscles are absolutely relaxed. It is necessary to consider such a characteristic, according to estimated activity of a patient.
If there are difficulties with choosing of a bandage, the full consultation of a doctor is necessary to select right type and class of compression. Sometimes bandages of medium elongation are determined as a universal option, when the pressure force can be regulated by a density of windings
If there are difficulties with choosing of a bandage, the full consultation of a doctor is necessary to select right type and class of compression. Sometimes bandages of medium elongation are determined as a universal option, when the pressure force can be regulated by a density of windings
Applying an elastic bandage
Compression therapy needs a participation of a doctor in this process, especially after a surgery. A patient at first exactly cannot ensure neither a snug fit nor uniform and right pressure on body tissue. Remember that serious errors in applying a bandage can exacerbate symptoms.

It is important to consider that applying a bandage in itself does not ensure the right compression. Pressure on different parts of the body must be identical. For instance, pressure in the area of the ankles or lower leg will be higher than on flat areas, for example, behind the knee. It is due to the tightness of a bandage, which is higher on rounded parts of the body.
After proper application of bandages at rest toes turn blue because of low tide in the blood vessels. However, it will pass in walking. If symptoms persist, it is necessary to remove a bandage, rest the feet, and try again with lower pressure
After proper application of bandages at rest toes turn blue because of low tide in the blood vessels. However, it will pass in walking. If symptoms persist, it is necessary to remove a bandage, rest the feet, and try again with lower pressure
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